Sharing information from our friends with University of Illinois Extension
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
4H STEAM Workshop flyer
4H STEAM Workshop flyer
Due to high community spread, LCHD would like to remind parents on steps that can be taken to promote health. As a reminder, please keep your child at home if they are not feeling well.
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Flu Flyer Page 1
Flu Flyer Page 2
RMS and Madison Winter Concert is coming up on December 8th, 2022 at 7:00 PM in the James A. Wiltz Auditorium at Dixon High School.
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Winter Concert
Two high school music ensemble events this month that are sure to put you in the holiday spirit! December 9 - Solstice (combined holiday concert) 6:30pm in the James A. Wiltz Auditorium Suggested Donation for admission: any December 16 - Madrigal Dinner 6:30pm in the DHS cafeteria Purchase tickets here:
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Solstice Flyer
Dixon Madrigal Dinner Flyer
The incoming phone service issues the district was experiencing earlier today have been resolved.
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Congratulations to DHS Seniors, Bree Covell and Grace Gates, on being selected as All-American Cheerleaders to perform in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade in Honolulu, HI! Click here for more:
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
All-American Cheerleader
We are currently experiencing intermittent issues with incoming phone calls to all district buildings. We are working to restore services as quickly as possible. We will update again as the issues are resolved. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Dixon Public Schools is having a Coin Collection Drive for United Way. The drive starts today and runs through Friday, December 9th. Coin Collection jugs will be in the school offices and the building that collects the most coins will get a TBD prize!
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
united way coin collection
We look forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow! Let’s finish first semester strong DPS! #BePurple #Thankful
almost 2 years ago, Admin
DHS Class Officers silent auction and bake sale during the Boys Basketball games vs Rochelle. 12/5/22 4-8pm in the the Lancaster Gym lobby.
almost 2 years ago, Roger Fegan
auction and bake sale
Just a reminder that Thanksgiving break begins on Wednesday, November 23rd until Friday, November 25th. School will resume on Monday, November 28th. Have a safe and happy holiday!
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Public Schools
Sharing information from a group of our community leaders. If interested in donating, please visit or stop by one of the local branches of Sauk Valley Bank or Midland States Bank.
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Fundraiser Letter
E-Learning or Snow Days - What you need to know At the start of inclement weather we discuss the use of E-Learning Days and Snow Days. At last night's Board Meeting, Mrs. Empen discussed the reasoning behind when each day is utilized. The information below explains for parents, guardians, students, staff, and the community the District plans moving forward when having to decide how to proceed if and when inclement weather arrives. E-Learning Days: An e-learning day will be utilized districtwide when there is enough advanced notice that teachers can prepare appropriate learning materials for students to work on while at home. For students in grades Pre-kindergarten through grade 5, learning packets will be sent home with students in anticipation of an e-learning day. Pre-kindergarten through grade 5 students will utilize Seesaw for e-learning days as well. For students in grade 6-12, lessons and Zoom/Teams meeting times will be uploaded in Canvas prior to the 7:45 a.m. start time. E-learning days do not require adding additional days to the end of the school year. Snow Days: A snow day will be utilized districtwide when there is not enough advanced notice for teachers to prepare appropriate learning materials for students to work on from home. When a snow day is called, students and teachers are not in attendance. Snow days are required to be made up utilizing the emergency days added to each year’s school calendar. I will utilize our automated call and text system to announce plans on inclement weather days. Please make sure that phone numbers are updated in Lumen to ensure you receive the call or text. We will continue to notify local radio stations, television stations, our website and social media pages when inclement weather arises. The fastest way to receive inclement weather information is through our automated call and text system.
almost 2 years ago, Margo Empen
"Meet the Dukes and Duchesses" winter edition, TOMORROW, Thursday 11/17 at 5:30pm in Lancaster Gym. EVERYONE wear PURPLE! #BePurple - Fight and Loyalty - Recognize Winter Programs - Booster Club Fan Appreciation Night - FREE FOOD! - Dukes Hoops Scrimmage
almost 2 years ago, Roger Fegan
The November Board of Education Meeting will be streamed live on Youtube at 6pm on 11-16-2022 and can be viewed via this link:
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
This is a reminder that Wednesday, November 16th is a School Improvement In-Service Day. Students will be dismissed at 11am. Thank you and have a great night!
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Public Schools
Dixon Public Schools is having their Regular Board Meeting on Wed., November 16, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the District Office, 1335 Franklin Grove Road. The meeting will be recorded and will posted on the District’s YouTube channel and website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President, Linda Wegner and to the Superintendent, Margo Empen, by Noon on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022. Public Comment received after this time may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Public Schools
Exciting News out of our Pre-K for All program. The state has funded another classroom. Contact our Pre-K Coordinator Monica for more information!
almost 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Pre-K for All
Join DHS for "Meet the Dukes and Duchesses" winter edition this Thursday at 5:30pm in Lancaster Gym. EVERYONE wear PURPLE! #BePurple - Fight and Loyalty - Recognize Winter Programs - Booster Club Fan Appreciation Night - FREE FOOD! - Dukes Hoops Scrimmage
almost 2 years ago, Roger Fegan
Meet the Dukes/Duchesses
Draw Down tickets still available for tonights’s event at the Elks Lodge. Ticket cost is $50 and includes two dinners as well as entry in the drawing. We will give away $10,000 that evening and have a wide variety of auction items. Tickets available at the door. #BePurple
almost 2 years ago, Roger Fegan