A special board meeting is schedule for 8-7-20 at 4 pm. We have returned to in-person meetings, but space is limited due to social distancing. The meeting will be live streamed and a link will be on our website prior to the meeting. Those wishing to participate in the Citizen's Agenda can email President Wegner and Superintendent Empen prior to the meeting. https://5il.co/
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
RMS Cross Country Information
about 4 years ago, Reagan Middle School
We have had over 1,145 families complete the survey. Thank you! Each family only needs to complete one survey. The survey closes on Tuesday, August 4 at 5 p.m. Click on the link below to be taken to the survey, or call any building or the District Office for assistance. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=X2nU7bZfWEy8lQEk65VG-Svx98YmFGdAp59cwZPSufJUQ1c5VFdHSFE1SUdHV1NONEgyRjdHQkhNRi4u
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
Back to School Survey: As a result of community feedback and discussion at last night's Board of Education Meeting, we are asking parents to provide input on a survey. We know we have asked you to complete several surveys, but your information is vital as we finalize plans for the new school year. If you or someone you know cannot access the survey, please call the District Office or any school building for a paper copy. This survey closes on Tuesday, August 4th at 5 p.m. Thank you and #GoPurple. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=X2nU7bZfWEy8lQEk65VG-Svx98YmFGdAp59cwZPSufJUQ1c5VFdHSFE1SUdHV1NONEgyRjdHQkhNRi4u
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
Dixon mask fundraiser being sponsored by Dixon PTC attached is the link! Be sure to check it out. https://head2toedesign.com/product/dixon-duke-and-duchesses-face-mask/
about 4 years ago, Dixon Public Schools
Attention Parents! Information from District Nurse Hafer - Students including remote learning students, entering Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade are required by the State of Illinois to show proof of a current physical and updated immunization record. 12th grade students are required to show proof of the Meningococcal vaccine that was given on or after their 16th birthday. Proof of these medical records need to be turned in to your school nurse by the first day of school, to avoid exclusion. Please contact your building principal or Nurse Hafer if you have any questions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school nurse. Thank you and stay healthy!
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
A few families have reached out regarding internet accessibility. Clicking on the following link with take you to "Internet Essentials by Comcast." They have reasonable internet options that you may qualify for. The link to apply is on this web page. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/comcast-broadband-opportunity-program
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
The Agenda for the 7/30 Board Study Session can be found in the link below. Questions or comments can be emailed to mempen@dps170.org and lwegner@dps170.org https://5il.co/iujy
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
Our July 30th Board of Education Study Session will be live on Youtube tonight at 5:30pm. https://youtu.be/J1pS5COL2cY
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
Online registration is open. Please complete the registration forms and fill out the Intake Survey. If you have questions, please contact your school or the district office. https://www.dps170.org/article/267425?org=dps
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
We are open for walk-in registration until 6pm tonight, Monday the 27th. Visit the District Office or Dixon High School for help with the registration process.
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
We are hosting a walk-in registration for families that are unable to complete registration forms online. Visit the District Office at 1335 Franklin Grove Road between 7:30am and 6pm on Monday, July 27th for assistance. Please call with questions 815-373-4966.
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
Online registration is open for 2020-2021. Visit our website to complete registration and fill out the Intake Survey. https://www.dps170.org/article/267425?org=dps
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
Monday, July 27th the District Office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for walk in registration. You may drop off paperwork or use one of our computers to complete registration. Social distancing and masks will be required during registration. If you need our help and don't want to come to registration please call us at 373-4966 and we will assist you over the phone. We need you to register your student no matter what option you choose by Friday, July 31. This enables the District to start developing class lists and busing options. If your decision changes on whether to utilize in-person blended learning or remote learning you can contact the building principal and let them know as soon as possible.
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
Automated Call Regarding Walk-In Registration on July 27th from 7:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at the District Office (1335 Franklin Grove Road)
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen
Dixon High School is taking bids on two used athletic scoreboards. The smaller board is 9' W x 5' H. The larger board is 15'W x 5' H. Both are in working condition. Please contact Athletic Director Jared Shaner via email (jshaner@dps170.org) for details.
about 4 years ago, Dixon High School
Sharing information on an upcoming event from our friends at KSB.
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
KSB Brain Health Flyer
As a result of discussions that occurred during last night's board meeting. Please complete this survey to help us continue our plans for the start of the school year. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=X2nU7bZfWEy8lQEk65VG-brl4j7b2GNNqsYMxkrLVAdUNDNZVTYxTVNLSklaQkZaNE1FSUw1OE9ITi4u
about 4 years ago, Dixon Public Schools
Citizen Comments from the 7-15-2020 Board meeting are posted on our District Website. https://5il.co/icja
about 4 years ago, Dixon Schools
I was notified that you could only see the first two pages of tonight's Return to Learn recommendations. I've attached the PowerPoint version and you will hopefully be able to see all pages. https://5il.co/ibup
about 4 years ago, Margo Empen