We pulled together the information below to remind everyone about the proper safety and state laws for buses with stop arms extended and for driving in School Zones.
Bus/Pickup up and drop off map for Washington School in PDF format
Bus/Pickup up and drop off map for Jefferson School in PDF format
Bus/Pick up and drop off map for Reagan Madison in PDF format
Link to Illinois State Police Law and Penalties for Passing School Buses and Speeding through School Zones
Link to Illinois State Police School Bus Safety handout
Link to Illinois State Board of Education School Bus Safety booklet
This should clear up some questions with how to respond to bus lights and bus stop arms.
If you are unaware, this is a BIG ticket. If found guilty of passing a bus stop arm when required to stop, your license WILL BE suspended. Officers know that when they write the ticket, but they also know the consequences of not writing the ticket could be much worse. Study the content below to keep school children, other traffic and yourself safe around buses.
"The driver is required to stop his or her vehicle before passing the school bus from either direction. An exception is when the driver is on a highway with four or more lanes with at least two lanes of traffic in either direction. If the driver is going in the opposite direction of the bus, they do not have to stop."